Miriam Sherman


I have started to introduce Shoulder-in to Lucano at Work in hand and during training I ask myself many questions. To name a few: – is the angel right (3 or 4 tracks)?– is he only bringing the head in, which results in an overbent neck? – does he understand the function of the outside

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Lucano is physically well prepared to carry a rider now, so I have started to mount him. The right and safer way is to have a helper from the ground but many of us are usually on their own. So am I, and when there is a moment, that a third hand is needed, it

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Miriam Sherman - Straightness Training Instructor by Marijke de Jong und Sitzschulung by Hanna Engström - Pferde - Misfit 06/20

Seat lessons

A lot of riders are feeling a bit labeled down when put on the longe to improve their seat however I feel the opposite. I am very grateful when being longed because I can fully concentrate on my myself, starting with my breathing, coordinating all my body parts, letting the feelings, thoughts and pictures sink

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