Winter Play
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Playing around with my good old boy Misfit while Gabriella enjoys the ride in pink. So nice to have an older horse from who the kids can learn.
The golden thread that runs through Straightness Training is to lighten the front legs and to bend the hind legs by moving weight from the front legs to the haunches. The school halt is a collected way of stopping the horse and the result of Straightness Training is that the horse is able to make
A lot of riders are feeling a bit labeled down when put on the longe to improve their seat however I feel the opposite. I am very grateful when being longed because I can fully concentrate on my myself, starting with my breathing, coordinating all my body parts, letting the feelings, thoughts and pictures sink
Some pics out of our Liberty training. We are polishing on some little details like keeping the center of mass back and the nose closer towards the vertical. He used to nose poke and became long in his body lacking a bit tempo and rhythm. Now it is improving, and he can keep more consistently
ST Mastery clinic with Rebecca Gilbert dd 16./17.June 2018 I am still so thrilled about the fantastic ST clinic we had last weekend with my dear colleague Rebecca Gilbert ST Instructor. Super horses, super people, super weather (with a lot of flies though but what else can you ask for My biggest insight was the
ST Mastery clinic with Rebecca Gilbert Read More »
Keeping momentum in my Longeing laboratory with Misfit. Checking what is working and what not, refining and polishing one little piece at the time.
Misfit gave his best Aikido in the deep snow plus I got a good workout myself. We are working lately a lot on canter as well as transitions from walk, half steps into shifting more and more weight back ending up in something like a Levade. He starts to sit more and more in behind and he
Playtime in the snow Read More »
Misfit ist von Natur aus kein Pferd, das gerne galoppiert, schon gar nicht versammelt, was aber nötig ist um alle Seitengänge im Gleichgewicht und mit Eleganz auszuführen. Durch den logischen Aufbau von ST ist er über die Jahre stärker, fitter und muskulöser geworden. Ausgeglichen, nicht nur physisch sondern auch auf mentaler und emotionaler Ebene. Nun
Misfit ist von Natur aus kein Pferd Read More »
In 2001, I bought Misfit as a 4-year-old almost raw. He knew the filly ABC and was sat on a few times. He was a sweet open boy and I was so much looking forward to our mutual time together.
Misfit as a youngster Read More »