Lucano aka Late Night

My little Lucano aka Late Night, Lusitano colt is born. It has always been my dream to own a small brown Lusitano. In my younger years I did not trust myself with such a noble and fine horse, also the necessary small change is missing.

Many years I said to my husband (I held on to this dream for 20 years) that when I have my 40th birthday I will buy my dream horse. He just smirked and didn’t always really take me seriously.

Then in the spring of 2015 I came across a small breeder in Germany who could offer exactly what I had in mind. I saw the parents and says to the breeder, if a stallion is born from this mating, then I come. And so it was, then Late Night was born in May. Shortly after that we drove there and it was all over me.

Since then he accompanies our family and I could already learn a lot with him and from him. I look forward to the future with him.

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